An insect’s ability to bite is what makes them scary to lots of people. Nobody wants to be bitten by a bug. They usually result in itchiness, swelling or worse. Heading into summer it’s good to be aware of the types of bugs that can bite. Mosquitoes and flies Canada is becoming known for its … Continue reading Bugs that bite →
Most rodents and pests are attracted to the allure of food and all their smells. A barbeque is an outdoor space where we cook delicious foods on our grill. But, because it’s already outdoors, those smells are a lot stronger to rodents looking for a quick snack. A lot of BBQs are open around the … Continue reading How to properly clean a BBQ. →
Many of our cottages are in areas with high wildlife populations. The middle of the woods is the perfect tranquille place to enjoy some a relaxing weekend. However, there are lots of things to watch out for when spending time so close to mice, rats and insects. Upon your first cottage visit of the season … Continue reading Opening the cottage and things to look out for. →
As the weather gets warmer the prospect of cockroaches grows. Cockroaches generally prefer warmer moist climates. So, with humid summer temperatures, cockroaches can be a reality in your home. Cockroaches are versatile. Cockroaches will eat anything and survive in most climate. They’re commonly found near garbage cans as these are the easiest place to find … Continue reading When do cockroaches come out? →
Rodents like kitchens because it’s the pace in the house with the most food. Mice and rats will make nests that have easy access to the kitchen. It’s important to keep the area clean. But, the best rodent control method is to stop it from even starting and sealing any points of entry on outside … Continue reading A rodent’s favourite part of your kitchen →
Many businesses have different problems. Rodents are just a reality of most business. But, it’s important they maintain a clean environment and have regular inspections to make sure they’re up to code. Restaurants, bars and cafe Businesses that serve food have always been susceptible to rodent infestations. Although we don’t like to think of mice … Continue reading Businesses with rodent problems →