Winter is often the time we want to hibernate in our cozy houses, but when carpenter ants decide to make our home their home, we need them gone — and fast. Even in winter, carpenter ant control is a necessity for all homeowners. While other ants can only survive on the sweet foods of spring, … Continue reading Ants in My House This Winter? Say It Isn’t So! →
The realization that your home is infested by bed bugs can be a shocking discovery. In the early stages of infestation, their presence is not obvious, and only gradually do the little insects make themselves known through signs such as brown spots on sheets or tiny exoskeletons on the floor. Sometimes, however, the first clues … Continue reading Why Can’t We Feel Bed Bug Bites? →
You can certainly find earwigs inside your home during the winter (and year-round). They’re intimidating, scary-looking insects, but, in reality, they’re rarely harmful to humans. But they are also known to congregate in large numbers inside your home. Researchers believe that earwigs have pheromones that signal to other earwigs, “Hey, I found food and a … Continue reading Can You Find Earwigs in Your Home During Winter? →
are pests that most people would much rather live without. During the warmer months, they can be found nesting in trees and eves of houses as well as flying around in gardens. You may be glad to get to the winter months, during which wasps disappear to hibernate. You’ll likely be less glad if you … Continue reading Are There Wasps in Your House This Winter? →
Professional technicians certainly can eliminate rodents from your home in winter. Good thing since you’re probably inside more often during winter and there’s a higher number of rodents seeking warm refuge. Ideally, though, rodent control would be year-round so that infestations never become an issue. The Dangers of Rodents Inside Your Home Mice are more … Continue reading Can Rodents Be Eliminated From Your Home in Winter? →
With springtime around the corner, many people are looking forward to warmer weather and getting their homes in tip-top shape after the long winter months. Unfortunately, the thawing snow can bring a host of problems. The increased temperatures and moisture can cause bugs and critters to come out in full force. Headaches associated with pest … Continue reading Protect Your Home in Niagara From Pests This Spring →
In movies and television shows, spiders are often depicted as monstrous and dangerous creatures. Many people are very afraid of these eight-legged arachnids. However, spiders may be getting a bad rap. They can be useful cohabitants of our homes. To help you understand more about spiders below is some information on which spiders are common … Continue reading Are the Spiders in Your Home Dangerous? →
Don’t count on bed bugs to go away on their own. In theory, they can. In practice, they don’t unless several highly specific circumstances occur. Your best bet is professional bed bugs treatment. These two things must happen for bed bugs to leave on their own: Six to 12 months elapse. During that time, the … Continue reading Will Bed Bugs Leave On Their Own? →
Carpenter ants wreak havoc on homes in Canada year-round. The good news: They are unlikely to destroy your home since the signs of an infestation are fairly clear. For example, home, apartment or condo residents can spot ant infestations much more quickly than they spot termite infestations. Still, these ants manage to cause their share … Continue reading Can Carpenter Ants Destroy Your Home? →
Each year, the gorgeous spring and summer weather remind you why you live in Niagara Falls. As the snow and ice melt, the white and gray hues of the landscape give way to the greens and pinks of flowering trees and shrubs. The air is full of singing birds fresh from their winter stay in … Continue reading Is There a Peak Bed bug Season? →