Controlling Silverfish in Merrickville Homes

Lately, Truly Nolen Merrickville has been receiving calls from homeowners in the Ottawa Valley area who are finding silverfish in their homes. A house-dwelling insect, the Lepisma saccharina, more commonly known as the Silverfish or bristletail, derives its name from several characteristics such as its silver/gray exoskeleton and fish-like habit of moving at a fast … Continue reading Controlling Silverfish in Merrickville Homes

Seven Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Pest Free This Spring

With spring here, you may be noticing an influx of pests around your property. During the winter months bugs, like mammals, enjoy hibernating until the weather warms up. With the El Nino winter Canada experienced this year, resulting in milder weather than usual; pests are popping up even earlier than anticipated. Fortunately, preparing your home … Continue reading Seven Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Pest Free This Spring