Burlington Pest Control: Why Do Bees Die After They Sting?

If you find yourself getting stung by bees or wasps in your home, you may be faced with an infestation. However, contacting pest control in Burlington can leave your home looking as good as new. Here’s what you need to know about bee and wasp stings. What’s the Difference Between Bees and Wasps? To determine … Continue reading Burlington Pest Control: Why Do Bees Die After They Sting?

Burlington Pest Control: Why Are Rodents Attracted to Your Home

Burlington has some attractive homes and neighbourhoods, but it’s not just people who are coming here. Without intentionally doing so, there are habits you might have that are attracting rodents to your area. Understanding what those actions are can help you prevent a rodent infestation, but when you do end up with a problem, you … Continue reading Burlington Pest Control: Why Are Rodents Attracted to Your Home