How To Prepare for Rodent Removal Services in Brampton

Once you’ve found evidence that rats, mice, or other rodents have invaded your home, all you can think about is getting rid of them. You’ve done the smart thing by contacting Truly Nolen pest removal services in Brampton, and now it’s time to get ready for their visit. Here’s what to do to ensure safety … Continue reading How To Prepare for Rodent Removal Services in Brampton

Brampton Rodent Control: Mice Behaviours to Expect in Winter

Rodents look for safe and warm nesting sites, especially in the winter. As a homeowner, you need to expect mice to make an effort to get into your home because it represents one of the safest and warmest areas for the year’s coldest months. If you want to protect your home from intrusive mice and … Continue reading Brampton Rodent Control: Mice Behaviours to Expect in Winter

Brampton Pest Control: Keeping Mice Out of Storage Areas

You’ve just noticed a trail of tiny, black mouse droppings near the door of your storage area. What do you do? Your first instinct may be to panic — after all, your Christmas decorations, boxes of old clothes, and extra blankets are all in that room — but then you take a deep breath and … Continue reading Brampton Pest Control: Keeping Mice Out of Storage Areas

Brampton Pest Removal: How Big is an Ant Colony?

If you see ants around your home, you probably have many questions: “How did the ants get there?” “What kind of ants are they?” “Where can I find carpenter ant removal near me?” Along with these questions, you may wonder how big a problem you are dealing with. Are these ants just passing through, or … Continue reading Brampton Pest Removal: How Big is an Ant Colony?

Brampton Pest Control: 3 Benefits of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are pests that can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home if they infiltrate the building, so you don’t want to share your house with them. However, carpenter ants can be good for your garden, so you don’t always want to keep them away from your property. Here are three … Continue reading Brampton Pest Control: 3 Benefits of Carpenter Ants

5 Summer Pest Control Tips for Brampton Homeowners

Everyone wants to enjoy their spring and summer. The best way to celebrate the arrival of warmer weather is to spend time outdoors. Unfortunately, many homeowners struggle with pest control, which can really put a damper on summer activities. Residential pest removal is the primary way of dealing with summer pests, but it is not … Continue reading 5 Summer Pest Control Tips for Brampton Homeowners

Brampton Pest Control: Preventing Mice In Your Dryer Vents

Encountering a rodent infestation in your home or place of business is a stressful event. But the more you know about the occurrence, the more likely it is that you can put your mind at ease and focus on getting help for the problem. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding whether you have a … Continue reading Brampton Pest Control: Preventing Mice In Your Dryer Vents

Avoid Carpenter Ants in Brampton With These Landscaping Tips

While carpenter ants aren’t dangerous to humans, they can wreak havoc on your house. These tiny creatures use wood for nest building, which means your home’s internal structures are the perfect location for tunnelling. If they get inside the walls, they’ll leave support beams looking like swiss cheese. By then, you’ll need carpenter ant removal … Continue reading Avoid Carpenter Ants in Brampton With These Landscaping Tips

What Is Attracting Wasps To Your Brampton Property

Wasps on your property are not only annoying, but they can also be dangerous. One wasp sting can be extremely painful and may lead to more. Unlike a bee, a wasp doesn’t die immediately after stinging and may attack again. Furthermore, wasps release pheromones as they sting, which prompts other wasps to join the onslaught. … Continue reading What Is Attracting Wasps To Your Brampton Property