3 Tips To Keep Pests Out of Commercial Buildings In Brampton This Winter

Every winter, it’s the same old song and dance: you want to keep pests out of your commercial building, and pests try to make their way in at every opportunity. Pest removal is essential for passing health inspections and maintaining a respectful work environment. The best way to combat this seasonal occurrence is with calculated … Continue reading 3 Tips To Keep Pests Out of Commercial Buildings In Brampton This Winter

Brampton Pest Control: Cockroaches and Their Effect On Your Health

Most people instinctively hate cockroaches. For many, the reasoning behind their disdain is little more than a gut reaction. Roaches are gross and creepy, and can seemingly multiply out of control in a matter of weeks. What you may not know is that they can also be hazardous to your health. Keeping up on best … Continue reading Brampton Pest Control: Cockroaches and Their Effect On Your Health

Brampton Pest Control: What Is A Norway Rat?

Despite its name, the Norway rat is not from Norway. Rather, Rattus norvegicus (as it is known to biologists) arrived in the Provinces aboard cargo ships arriving from the eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and India starting almost three hundred years ago. Well into the 20th Century, about half of the freighters arriving at East Coast … Continue reading Brampton Pest Control: What Is A Norway Rat?

Prevent Rodents This Holiday Season With Truly Nolen in Brampton

The holiday season is an exciting and hectic time of year. Unfortunately, the season also brings colder weather that attracts more wildlife to your property. Rodents and other pests can survive extreme outdoor conditions, but they prefer to make a cozy habitat in your home where they can find food, water and shelter. Keeping pests … Continue reading Prevent Rodents This Holiday Season With Truly Nolen in Brampton

Why You Should Consider Year Round Pest Control for Your Brampton Business

Proactive prevention just makes sense. Businesses owners often wait until they have a pest problem before calling commercial pest control in Brampton. Unfortunately, pests can be sneaky little creatures and often emerge at different times throughout the year, even after you have called in the professionals. By dealing with pests only when you see them, … Continue reading Why You Should Consider Year Round Pest Control for Your Brampton Business

Brampton Pest Control: Can Mice Live in Your Car?

An infestation of mice is a homeowner’s nightmare. Mice can get in through extremely small openings. Once inside, they can cause extensive property damage and potentially spread disease. Some people do not realize that mice can live in their cars as well and may not recognize an infestation right away. However, an infestation of mice … Continue reading Brampton Pest Control: Can Mice Live in Your Car?