Welcoming Spring While Keeping Wasps At Bay: Top Tips From Truly Nolen Cambridge

With the arrival of spring, flowers aren’t the only ones making an exciting comeback. Many homeowners can relate to the unexpected buzz of uninvited guests – wasps! While adding to the energy and colour of the season, these creatures can also bring an unwanted sting. The purpose of this blog is to empower you as … Continue reading Welcoming Spring While Keeping Wasps At Bay: Top Tips From Truly Nolen Cambridge

Cambridge Pest Removal: What You Need to Know About Spider Webs

Are you finding yourself involved in an unwanted game of hide-and-seek with spiders and their intricate webs? This blog sheds light on all things related to spider webs, from their fascinating construction to the warning signs they represent. We’ll delve into the unnerving possibility of an infestation and offer insights on tackling this precisely. Our … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Removal: What You Need to Know About Spider Webs

The Secret Life of Carpenter Ants in Cambridge: A Guide to Prevention and Control

If there’s one thing we know you’d rather not find out after moving to a charming little town like Cambridge, it’s that you’re sharing your home with an infestation of carpenter ants. These pesky invaders nest inside your home’s wooden structures, causing damage that can even reach a critical level if not promptly addressed by … Continue reading The Secret Life of Carpenter Ants in Cambridge: A Guide to Prevention and Control

Understanding Rat Behaviour and Its Impact on Home Life In Cambridge

As a homeowner in Cambridge, it is important to understand the behaviour of rats and how it can impact your daily life. Rats are among the most common pests in residential areas across the city. These rodents are well-known for their ability to adapt to new environments, and they can cause significant damage to your … Continue reading Understanding Rat Behaviour and Its Impact on Home Life In Cambridge

Cambridge Pest Control: Stop Spiders From Living on Your Front Porch With These Tips

Are you tired of unwanted eight-legged guests taking up residence on your front porch? Cambridge spider removal is a common concern for many homeowners in the said city. These creepy crawlies may be beneficial for controlling other pests, but we don’t want them as roommates! Below, we’ll explore four effective ways to keep spiders away … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: Stop Spiders From Living on Your Front Porch With These Tips

Cambridge Pest Control: Simple Tips To Enjoy a Pest-Free Halloween

Halloween is a wonderful, festive time of year. Many people enjoy the creepiness of ghost stories and dressing up as ghouls and characters. The problem is that the season also brings some unwanted creepy crawlies out of hiding, such as insects and rodents. If you notice any mice lurking about, call mice control in Cambridge … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: Simple Tips To Enjoy a Pest-Free Halloween

Cambridge Pest Control: 3 Methods to Keep Carpenter Ants Out of the Pantry

Having carpenter ants in your home can be dangerous because the pests chew elaborate tunnels in the wooden beams that support your home and could damage the integrity of the structure. If you suspect that there are carpenter ants living in your home, it is essential to call a professional immediately for carpenter ant extermination … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: 3 Methods to Keep Carpenter Ants Out of the Pantry

The Importance of Professional Bee Removal for Commercial Properties in Cambridge

Bees present a significant liability to businesses across Cambridge. Quick bee removal in Cambridge is necessary to avoid business interruptions and consumer or staff injuries. While property owners may know the importance of removal, they may not understand the most effective methods for removal. Professional identification and removal are essential to protecting commercial spaces and … Continue reading The Importance of Professional Bee Removal for Commercial Properties in Cambridge

Cambridge Pest Removal: Common Places Carpenter Ants Nest and How to Locate Them

As a Cambridge homeowner, you likely do all you can to keep rodent and insect pests away from your home, but few are as relentless and large in number as carpenter ants. True to their name, these large ants burrow tunnels through any type of wood in your home and establish nests in and around … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Removal: Common Places Carpenter Ants Nest and How to Locate Them