Cambridge Pest Control: How Do Carpenter Ants Get Inside the House?

What do you do when you walk into the kitchen and discover a line of ants marching from the countertop to the floor? The sight might surprise you, but keeping these pests away could be as easy as keeping counters clean and clear — unless they are carpenter ants. Carpenter ant pest control is a … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: How Do Carpenter Ants Get Inside the House?

Cambridge Pest Control: 3 Ways To Keep Mice Out Of Your Shed

Mice are resourceful little critters. They manage to make homes and forage for food in some of the most protected places, including homes and office buildings. While mice removal in Cambridge represents an excellent way to correct an infestation, it is better for property owners if they can prevent settlements, to begin with. One of … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: 3 Ways To Keep Mice Out Of Your Shed

Cambridge Pest Removal: What Are Solitary Wasps?

Calls for wasp pest control services in Cambridge are usually in regard to social wasps that live in large nests or colonies. These wasp species are aggressive in defending their nests and potentially dangerous because of their numbers and their ability to sting multiple times without pulling out their stingers and dying. Because social wasps … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Removal: What Are Solitary Wasps?

Cambridge Pest Removal: Can A Carpenter Ant Colony Have Two Queens?

Ant farms were popular in the past as a way to study an ant colony. Carpenter ant colonies are complex social systems in which each ant has a specific role. The carpenter ant queen is more than just the ruler of the colony. She lays eggs that produce future generations for the colony and for … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Removal: Can A Carpenter Ant Colony Have Two Queens?

Cambridge Commercial Pest Control: Common Pests in the Workplace

Many homeowners take steps to prevent infestations at home, but have you ever thought about the risk of pests at your workplace? Any building is vulnerable, especially during the winter months when critters seek warm shelter and a steady food supply. If you’re not careful, you’ll have to seek commercial pest control services in Cambridge. … Continue reading Cambridge Commercial Pest Control: Common Pests in the Workplace

How To Avoid a Mouse Infestation In Your Cambridge Apartment

Apartment living is often a wonderful experience because, for the most part, you do not need to worry about most homeowner concerns. Still, as a tenant, your landlord or the property owner expects you to maintain a clean environment. Unfortunately, depending on where you live, that can be challenging when it comes to wildlife, such … Continue reading How To Avoid a Mouse Infestation In Your Cambridge Apartment

Cambridge Spider Control: 3 Odd Facts About Spiders

When people call for residential pest control, it is often to deal with spiders. Spiders elicit many different reactions from people, many of them negative. However, there is no denying that spiders hold a certain fascination for people. Whether you admire them or loathe them, there is something about them from which it is difficult … Continue reading Cambridge Spider Control: 3 Odd Facts About Spiders

Cambridge Rodent Removal: How To Tell If There Are Rodents In Your Chimney

Dark spaces in your home create perfect environments for rodents such as rats and mice. These types of rodents can carry diseases and wreak havoc on the structure of your home, so no one wants to have mice or rats as roommates. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to tell that you have a rodent … Continue reading Cambridge Rodent Removal: How To Tell If There Are Rodents In Your Chimney

Cambridge Pest Control: Can Carpenter Ants See In The Dark?

People often undervalue and underestimate the natural world around them. With the technological advantages afforded humans, it is easy to forget the essential skills and evolutionary advantages required to survive. Animals and insects do not have the luxury of homeownership or grocery stores; they must fight, scrap, and forage for everything crucial to survival. Carpenter … Continue reading Cambridge Pest Control: Can Carpenter Ants See In The Dark?

What To Do About Bed Bugs In Your Cambridge Restaurant

Though restaurant owners don’t typically worry much about picking up a bed bug infestation, having one can shut your business down, leaving you in financial peril. Since there’s no way to cheaply perform a removal yourself, you should always be ready to prevent pests from entering from beyond. If you do find bedbugs on your … Continue reading What To Do About Bed Bugs In Your Cambridge Restaurant