Guelph Rodent Control in Spring: Effective Strategies and Solutions from Truly Nolen

Springtime in Guelph brings warmer weather and the start of longer days. Unfortunately, it also welcomes an increase in rodent activity. For homeowners, this means dealing with unwanted guests that can cause damage to property and carry diseases. If you’re facing a rodent infestation, it’s crucial to act quickly before it worsens. As an expert … Continue reading Guelph Rodent Control in Spring: Effective Strategies and Solutions from Truly Nolen

Preventing Spider Infestations: Essential Tips For Guelph Homeowners

For homeowners, there are very few things that can cause the same level of discomfort and anxiety in a home as a spider infestation that requires spider control in Guelph. The sight of those eight-legged creatures lurking in corners or scuttling across walls can send shivers down anyone’s spine. But fear not! This blog post … Continue reading Preventing Spider Infestations: Essential Tips For Guelph Homeowners

Bed Bugs Vs. Fleas in Guelph: Spotting the Differences and Solutions

It’s no secret that there’s a certain discomfort that washes over you when you spot tiny creatures crawling around your home in Guelph. Instantly, one question races across your mind: ‘Is it bed bugs or fleas?” These pests might be small in size, but they indeed pose significant problems- for your comfort and health. This … Continue reading Bed Bugs Vs. Fleas in Guelph: Spotting the Differences and Solutions

The Unseen Benefits: How House Spiders In Guelph May Be More Helpful Than Harmful

Imagine you are calmly enjoying a nice cup of tea, nestled into your comfortable couch, only to glance across the room and find a creepy, eight-legged creature scuttling in the corner. Your first instinct might be to get rid of the spider by stepping on it, sweeping it up, and tossing it out. After all, … Continue reading The Unseen Benefits: How House Spiders In Guelph May Be More Helpful Than Harmful

Guelph Pest Control: Do Bees Remain Active During the Colder Weather?

Guelph homeowners who notice a lot of bee activity around their homes are advised to call in a professional bee removal service in Guelph to address the situation. Bees can be a danger when threatened and if their hives or nests are attached to a home, they can do significant structural damage over time. If … Continue reading Guelph Pest Control: Do Bees Remain Active During the Colder Weather?

Window Maintenance: Keep Pests Out With These Tips in Guelph

Have unwanted eight-legged intruders turned your Guelph home into their base of operations? Spider control in Guelph can be challenging, but one effective way to keep these critters at bay is by ensuring your windows are well-maintained. This informative Truly Nolen Canada post explores how to get rid of spiders with must-know window maintenance tips, … Continue reading Window Maintenance: Keep Pests Out With These Tips in Guelph

Guelph Pest Control: 5 Obvious Signs You Have a Bird Infestation

Many people enjoy watching and listening to birds outside of their homes and put up bird feeders in order to attract different species. However, there is a fine line between having birds that come around to visit and having a full-on bird infestation. Here are five of the most obvious signs that you have a … Continue reading Guelph Pest Control: 5 Obvious Signs You Have a Bird Infestation

Guelph Pest Control: Are Spider Bites Harmful to Your Pets?

Like most Guelph homeowners, you probably consider your pets part of the family and do all you can to protect them from danger. Invasive pests, such as spiders, can cause your dog or cat considerable harm with their venom. A spider exterminator in Guelph from Truly Nolen can provide you with effective pest control and … Continue reading Guelph Pest Control: Are Spider Bites Harmful to Your Pets?

Guelph Pest Control: Protective Measures to Keep Bed Bugs Away

Bed bugs are pervasive, taking only weeks to multiply, becoming an infestation. The insects can lay up to 12 eggs daily and up to 500 in a lifetime, between 10 months to a year. While the bugs do not transmit diseases, they can have an economic, mental, and physical impact, including severe allergic reactions to … Continue reading Guelph Pest Control: Protective Measures to Keep Bed Bugs Away

Signs of a Spider Infestation: What to Look For in Your Guelph Home

Many people fear spiders, and the idea they may have an infestation is terrifying. That said, how do you know when you have an infestation? You can contact spider control in Guelph for an inspection or look for the numerous signs arachnids tend to leave around your home. 4 Signs of a Spider Infestation While … Continue reading Signs of a Spider Infestation: What to Look For in Your Guelph Home