Haldimand-Norfolk Pest Control: Everything To Know About the Carpenter Bee

Carpenter bees are a solitary species, meaning that they either live alone or in pairs rather than in large colonies. Though they aren’t particularly aggressive, they can cause significant property damage when making nests. Therefore, they are frequently the reason behind calls for residential pest removal in Haldimand-Norfolk. What Do Carpenter Bees Look Like? Carpenter … Continue reading Haldimand-Norfolk Pest Control: Everything To Know About the Carpenter Bee

Why You Need Carpenter Ant Control In Haldimand-Norfolk

Ant control is more important than you think. Carpenter ants are not very good builders, but they are skilled destroyers of beams, decks, and wood. Trying to accomplish carpenter ant removal on your own is not always effective, and may result in a more expensive extermination bill later on. The longer you wait, the worse … Continue reading Why You Need Carpenter Ant Control In Haldimand-Norfolk

Haldimand-Norfolk Pest Control: Why Don’t Male Mosquitoes Bite?

Nothing spoils a pleasant summer evening like a swarm of biting mosquitoes. Mosquito pest control removes both males and females from your property so that they cannot reproduce and create more blood-sucking menaces. Nevertheless, your argument is more with the female mosquitoes than the males because it is only the females that feed on blood. … Continue reading Haldimand-Norfolk Pest Control: Why Don’t Male Mosquitoes Bite?

Spring Thaw: Pest Problems To Look Out For In Haldimand-Norfolk

When winter starts to wind down, spring pests may be starting to come out early. After a long, cold winter of snow, ice and sleet, thawing conditions may make your home more vulnerable to problems with different pests, such as mosquitoes, ants or rodents. If you want to protect your property and avoid a spring … Continue reading Spring Thaw: Pest Problems To Look Out For In Haldimand-Norfolk