Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Carpenter Ant Infestations In Kitchener

Spring is here, and so is the time for spring cleaning. However, it’s not just about getting rid of dust and clearing clutter – it’s also about preventing pests from invading your home. One such pest that you need to watch out for is the carpenter ant, a species that can cause significant damage to … Continue reading Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Carpenter Ant Infestations In Kitchener

Preventing Future Infestations: What Happens After Rodent Removal In Kitchener?

Imagine you’re enjoying an enticing cup of cocoa, cozied by your living room fireplace, when an unexpected guest – a mouse, maybe, or even a rat – scurries across your floor. The mere sight is enough to make your heart jump! If you can relate to this scenario, you’re in the perfect place. This blog … Continue reading Preventing Future Infestations: What Happens After Rodent Removal In Kitchener?

Preserving Your Peace: Keeping Carpenter Ants and Other Pests Off Your Deck in Kitchener

Welcome to the information-packed guide that’s dedicated to helping Kitchener homeowners like you keep decks free from troublesome pests. This blog is your ultimate companion in your quest to maintain the tranquil ambiance of your outdoor space by warding off carpenter ants and other unwelcome critters. As homeowners, we must take a proactive approach to … Continue reading Preserving Your Peace: Keeping Carpenter Ants and Other Pests Off Your Deck in Kitchener

Kitchener Pest Control: The Unique Characteristics of Common House Spiders

Have you ever been startled by a spider dashing across your living room? Or perhaps you’ve discovered a cozy cobweb tucked away in a quiet corner of your Kitchener home and wondered how to get rid of spiders? In this article, we will learn about the most common house spiders you might encounter and the … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: The Unique Characteristics of Common House Spiders

Kitchener Pest Control: How to Keep Carpenter Ants Off Your Window Sill

Picture this: you’re enjoying a peaceful morning by the window, sipping on your coffee, when you notice unwanted guests marching along your windowsill. Carpenter ants! While these little intruders may seem harmless at first, they can cause significant damage to your home if left unchecked. Let’s delve into why windowsills draw carpenter ants and the … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: How to Keep Carpenter Ants Off Your Window Sill

Kitchener Pest Control: Tips to Keep Your Garage Rodent-Free This Winter

As temperatures drop in Kitchener and the seasons change, an unwelcome guest may eye your garage as a cozy winter retreat: rodents. Nobody wants to deal with these pesky invaders, but fear not! Truly Nolen Canada provides practical tips to keep your garage rodent-free during the colder months. Plus, we’ll show why Truly Nolen is … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: Tips to Keep Your Garage Rodent-Free This Winter

Prevention Tips: Keeping Wasps Away From Your Kitchener Property

Wasps are flying insects that are most active during the summer months. They are known for stinging predators and prey, and many people are allergic to their venom, so it’s best to keep wasps off of your property when possible. A reputable pest control company like Truly Nolen Canada can help you with wasp control … Continue reading Prevention Tips: Keeping Wasps Away From Your Kitchener Property

Kitchener Pest Control: 4 Tips to Keep Birds Out of Your Home

Birds are amazing creatures, and most homeowners love watching them soar through neighbourhoods and listening to them sing their songs. Despite their beauty, birds can become nuisances that require the professional assistance of bird removal in Kitchener. Homeowners often invite birds to their property because they find the animals’ presence peaceful. They install birdfeeders and … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: 4 Tips to Keep Birds Out of Your Home

Kitchener Pest Removal: What to Do If You Get Bitten By a Mouse

Mice may look cute, but wild rodents can spread disease through feces, saliva, and urine. Also, pests mice may carry, including fleas, mites, and parasites, can spread disease and infection to humans. Thankfully, mice are not aggressive animals and tend to leave people alone, so unless you have a mouse infestation requiring the services of … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Removal: What to Do If You Get Bitten By a Mouse