Kitchener Pest Control: Can Ants Survive In The Water?

When you discover that ants are invading your Kitchener home, you may turn to the internet to look for solutions. However, those that recommend using boiling water or methods that drown ants usually fail because those offering the advice may not understand ant behaviour. Our pest technicians here at Truly Nolen invite you to learn … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: Can Ants Survive In The Water?

Kitchener Pest Control: Why Are Bees Attracted To Your House?

When bees are buzzing in your house or swarming around your property, it’s time to call a professional. Find out what makes bees so interested in your home and the steps you can take to prevent these unwelcome guests. Discover how Truly Nolen Pest Control offers bee removal in Kitchener for your safety and convenience. … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: Why Are Bees Attracted To Your House?

The Difference Between Bumblebees and Honey Bees

Whether you are intrigued by insects or strive to keep your distance from them, bees are one type of critter that should not be overlooked. Bees are surprisingly diverse and incredibly important to most ecosystems. While many people may apply the names “bumblebee” and “honey bee” to any flying, fuzzy insect they see, these two … Continue reading The Difference Between Bumblebees and Honey Bees

5 Tips for Keeping Ants Out of Your Kitchen This Spring

Spring is a wonderful time to get some fresh air in your home. Whether you’re tackling spring cleaning or preparing healthy meals, you may notice ants in this part of your home. Use these five tips for effective carpenter ant control in Kitchener. Don’t let these tiny intruders affect the safety and comfort of your … Continue reading 5 Tips for Keeping Ants Out of Your Kitchen This Spring

Kitchener Pest Control: Which Pests To Look Out for Each Season? Part 2

Spring has sprung! The rain is falling, the flowers are blooming and the temperatures are warming up. The winter pests you were dealing with are off finding new outdoor homes, and you’re enjoying spring cleaning without them. Unfortunately, you still have pests to think about. Spring might get rid of some, but it invites others. … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: Which Pests To Look Out for Each Season? Part 2

Kitchener Pest Control: Is It a Bed Bug or Another Bug?

If you or someone in your family has unexplained bite marks, you are probably searching for answers. Could you have bed bugs, or do you have another type of insect biting your family? Finding the answer is very important so that you know whether to seek bed bug control services in Kitchener. Here are some … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: Is It a Bed Bug or Another Bug?