Kitchener Pest Control: Seasonal Pests to Watch Out For? Part 1

As winter really sets in around the Kitchener-Waterloo area, you probably feel relieved that insect pests like wasps and ants are ready to either die off or hibernate until the warm spring weather arrives again. However, while some nuisance insects and mammals go dormant, others remain active all winter long and may see your home … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: Seasonal Pests to Watch Out For? Part 1

Kitchener Pest Control: 7 Fun Facts About Wasps

Few homeowners have warm thoughts when they think of wasps, but these insects are surprisingly smart and capable of some unique defence techniques. Check out these seven fun facts to learn more about these bee-like guests. Discover how Truly Nolen Canada can offer hassle-free wasp control in Kitchener to maintain a healthy wasp population at … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: 7 Fun Facts About Wasps

Carpenter Ants or Termites: Which Pest Causes more Damage?

You may think that carpenter ants do not cause as much struggle damage as termites. You may have even heard that termite infestations cause billions of dollars to U.S. homes each year. While this is true, carpenter ants cause millions of dollars of damage each year and are becoming increasingly common in homes across the … Continue reading Carpenter Ants or Termites: Which Pest Causes more Damage?

Bed Bugs and Pets: Signs, Symptoms and Removal Tips

While most insects you encounter in Ontario are harmless and usually do not interact with people, others depend on blood meals to survive. You may think of mosquitoes or fleas as examples, but bed bugs, which are widespread throughout North America, are becoming problematic for many people and their pets as well. These insects feed … Continue reading Bed Bugs and Pets: Signs, Symptoms and Removal Tips

Kitchener Pest Control: Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs

Most Ontario insects are harmless to humans and live out their life cycles quietly, away from people. Others are more invasive, and when their diet mainly consists of blood, they can become a significant problem for you and your family. One such insect is the bed bug, and our team for bed bug control in … Continue reading Kitchener Pest Control: Interesting Facts About Bed Bugs

How Are These Carpenter Ants Getting Inside the House?

There are few pests that are as destructive as carpenter ants. Similar to termites, carpenter ants chew away wood elements around your home. These pests can be even more sneaky and can compromise the foundation of your home with few outward indications. Learn to spot the signs of a carpenter ant colony, discover where they … Continue reading How Are These Carpenter Ants Getting Inside the House?

How To Protect Your Home From Pavement Ants

When the warm weather arrives, you and your family probably want to enjoy your patio for relaxing, reading or simply spending time together, but spring often brings uninvited visitors as well. Pavement ants and other ant species in general are a common sight on sidewalks and patios, where they might eventually invade your home as … Continue reading How To Protect Your Home From Pavement Ants