Truly Nolen Canada

Oakville Pest Control: Fall is Spider Season

Fall is Spider Season

Fall is Spider Season

Fall is upon us, and that means spiders are upon us as well. One or two spiders may do you some good by eating mosquitos, flies, and other small insects, but if you have dozens or hundreds of spiders, it’s time to call a service for spider removal.

Learning about their habits can help you deal with your spider problem. Explore below for details about their seasonal behaviours, mating habits, and what to do if you have a spider infestation.

Why Do You See So Many Spiders This Time of Year?

Spiders know that spring and summer are very high-risk times for their safety. Birds, snakes, wasps, and other predators come out in full force when the weather is warm. For this reason, spiders usually stay hidden until the weather turns cooler and the other animals start to dissipate. Once they know it’s safe, spiders will start exploring your home.

Be on the lookout for certain species of spiders. American house spiders are reddish-brown and generally harmless to humans. Brown recluses, on the other hand, are very poisonous and should be dealt with immediately. Make an appointment for pest control in Oakville.

When Is Spider Mating Season?

Most species of spiders mate during autumn. They tend to come out just when the first leaves start to fall and will be done mating within two months. When the weather begins to cool, they come out from where they’ve been hiding during the long summer and are ready to reproduce. Once winter comes, it is too cold for them to be out and about, and they hibernate or die.

How Are Male and Female Spiders Different?

Female spiders almost always stay in one place for their entire lives. They spin beautiful, large webs and wait for insects to land in the sticky nets. They eat whatever lands, and stay put, waiting for their mate. This is much safer for them.

Male spiders, conversely, are always on the hunt for a female. If you see spiders in your home moving across the floor, countertops, or ceiling, it is likely a male looking for a female. Males need to reproduce to fulfill their evolutionary purpose. They will not stop roaming until they find a mate.

The Aftermath of Spider Season

Once a male spider has found his mate, he either dies or gets eaten. He has accomplished his goal. You may therefore see dead spiders in your home or around your property as it gets closer to winter. Sometimes the females eat the males after mating. This provides them with nutrition for growing their babies.

You will also see a lot of cobwebs at the end of spider season. Once female spiders leave their webs, they are no longer maintained or cleaned. They lose their tension and collect dust. The presence of extra cobwebs in your home is a good sign that spider season is coming to an end.

Contact Truly Nolen for Spider Removal

Our four seasons pest control solution can help you immensely. Fall is an advantageous time to schedule a professional treatment to get rid of spiders and other insects. We will:

As pest behaviour changes from season to season, we customize our treatments to match the behaviour of the pests. Contact us today to schedule an inspection. We have numerous locations throughout the Oakville area. Our local expertise can protect you and your property against current and future spider infestations.

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