Toronto Pest Control: What are Hunting Spiders?

All spiders fit into one of two categories: hunting spiders and web-building spiders. The latter are more common, but the former are older. Hunting spiders have other ways of catching their prey, either by stalking or lying in wait for an unsuspecting insect to get too close. While you are more likely to see hunting … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: What are Hunting Spiders?

Toronto Pest Control: What To Do About a Black Rat Infestation

Black rats are the quintessential pest; they carry diseases, nibble essential house structures, and raid your pantry. If you suspect an infestation, it’s time to contact pest control in Toronto. How can you tell if black rats have moved into your residence? Here’s everything homeowners should know about these unwelcome guests. What Do Black Rats … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: What To Do About a Black Rat Infestation

Toronto Pest Removal: Why Are Carpenter Ants On My Roof?

While many types of pests are nuisances and can cause minor damage to the structure of your home, a carpenter ant infestation can lead to thousands of dollars worth of damage. Carpenter ants burrow deep into wood, and while they don’t consume the material like termites, they can significantly weaken the structure of a house … Continue reading Toronto Pest Removal: Why Are Carpenter Ants On My Roof?

Toronto Pest Control: Enjoy a Pest-Free Winter With These Tips

When the weather outside is cold in the winter, many people welcome family and friends inside their homes for festive celebrations. However, many pests are also looking for shelter during this time of year and, unless you are vigilant, you could accidentally attract some unwanted guests. Professional pest control in Toronto can help you cope … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Enjoy a Pest-Free Winter With These Tips

Toronto Pest Control: How to Find a Carpenter Ant Nest

Carpenter ants are among the most destructive household pests. Without carpenter ant removal in Toronto, they can hollow out wooden structures in your home to build their nests. If you have a carpenter ant nest, you should hire a pest control service as soon as possible, but it can be challenging to find the nest. … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: How to Find a Carpenter Ant Nest

Toronto Pest Control: Where Do House Spiders Live?

Although few spiders pose a threat to humans, many people are scared to come in contact with arachnids. Spiders can be useful for eating smaller pests and keeping them out of your home, but few people are willing to have an arachnid as a roommate. Knowing common places house spiders live can help you find … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Where Do House Spiders Live?

Toronto Pest Removal: What Are Mice Up To While You’re Sleeping?

It is common for a mouse infestation to go undetected for a while because mice are nocturnal. Therefore, they are active at a time when you are usually sleeping. If you believe you have an infestation, you should call mice removal services as soon as possible because mice can cause extensive property damage and spread … Continue reading Toronto Pest Removal: What Are Mice Up To While You’re Sleeping?

Why Toronto Homeowners Need Rat Control This Winter

As the weather turns colder, you may assume that you have no need for pest control in Toronto because many common pests are either dying off or going dormant. Rats and mice are an exception; they stay active throughout the winter months and, unfortunately, you may be more likely to find rodents in your home … Continue reading Why Toronto Homeowners Need Rat Control This Winter

Ensure a Pest-Free Home in Toronto With These Tips

Benjamin Franklin said, guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days. Uninvited guests often don’t even need three days. Most people don’t want pests to stick around even for one minute. To prevent pests from making your home theirs, you’ll need to be vigilant. Keep unwanted roommates out of your home with these tips … Continue reading Ensure a Pest-Free Home in Toronto With These Tips

Toronto Pest Control: Are Mice Digging Holes in Your Lawn?

Most homeowners are more concerned about mice getting inside their homes and setting up a nest instead of burrowing in their backyard. Burrowing mice can also wreak havoc on your property if they start digging holes in your lawn. Here at Truly Nolen, we can help you with pest mice control in Toronto to keep … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Are Mice Digging Holes in Your Lawn?