Toronto Pest Control: Does Every Spider Have Eight Eyes?

Many myths and legends surround spiders, some of which are true. One of these is that all spiders have eight eyes. However, there is one example of myth not based in reality. In fact, there are many different types of spiders with varying numbers of eyes. Depending on the kind of spider it is and … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Does Every Spider Have Eight Eyes?

Toronto Pest Removal: Make Sure Your Christmas Tree is Ant Free

Having a gorgeous, fragrant Christmas tree at the centerpiece of your holiday display is a wonderful thing for most homeowners. When you bring a large tree into your home, there is always the chance that you may have a few hitchhikers, such as ants or other insects. At Truly Nolen, we can help keep your … Continue reading Toronto Pest Removal: Make Sure Your Christmas Tree is Ant Free

What to do When Your Neighbour Has a Rat Infestation in Toronto

If you are aware of a rat infestation in your neighbourhood, you should contact pest control in Toronto immediately. Rats can carry disease, multiply quickly, and damage property. Sometimes, the infestation is not a community problem but isolated to a single neighbour. If the neighbourhood does not act to correct the problem, it can develop … Continue reading What to do When Your Neighbour Has a Rat Infestation in Toronto

Toronto Pest Control: Winged Carpenter Ants

Have you noticed large ants flitting about your home through the air? If you didn’t know ants could fly, you may have been shocked. These are winged carpenter ants and they are more common than you think. Truly Nolen provides carpenter ant removal in Toronto to help you with this problem. Educate yourself on these … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Winged Carpenter Ants

Toronto Pest Control: What is Rat-Bite Fever?

It’s no secret that rodents carry many diseases that are dangerous for humans. You don’t want to share your home with rats because you don’t want to get sick. There are many diseases to look out for, but rat-bite fever is one of the most notorious illnesses you can get from rats and other rodents. … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: What is Rat-Bite Fever?

Are Spiders Dangerous to Your Toronto Home?

Spiders have a reputation for being menacing creatures that wreak havoc on people’s health. In reality, only a small percentage of spiders actually bite, and even fewer produce enough venom to harm a human. Although they may seem scary, the truth is that most spiders pose very little danger to people in Toronto. Here’s what … Continue reading Are Spiders Dangerous to Your Toronto Home?

4 Places You Might Find Mice in Your Toronto Home

With the colder winter months looming, mice are starting to seek refuge indoors. As a Toronto homeowner, it is helpful to know the most common places these creatures like to hide. Being vigilant can help you quickly recognize when you have an infestation so you can promptly contact mice removal services. Why Do Mice Come … Continue reading 4 Places You Might Find Mice in Your Toronto Home

Pests to Watch Out for in Toronto this Fall

As the weather changes this fall, pest behaviour changes as well. Be on the lookout for visible signs that spiders, ants, mice, and other critters are adapting to the new season. If it gets to be more than you can manage, don’t hesitate to make an appointment for professional pest control in Toronto. Spiders Looking … Continue reading Pests to Watch Out for in Toronto this Fall

Toronto Pest Control: 3 Things Everyone Should Know About a Carpenter Ant Infestation

As a homeowner in Toronto, you probably already know that ants are among the most persistent and resilient insects. Once they invade your property, it can be quite difficult to remove them. One species, the carpenter ant, can cause considerable damage to your home. We at Truly Nolen can assist you with carpenter ant removal … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: 3 Things Everyone Should Know About a Carpenter Ant Infestation

Toronto Pest Control: The Social Hierarchy of the Rat

From the outside looking in, a rat colony might look like chaos. Despite the immediate appearance, experts of pest control in Toronto explain healthy colonies operate like families. Upon close inspection, you can notice a hierarchy or social structure within colonies similar to what wildlife experts see when studying wolves. What Is a Social Hierarchy? … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: The Social Hierarchy of the Rat