3 Reasons To Expect Pests This Summer In Toronto

Summer is a beautiful time of year, the leaves and grass are green, and the temperature encourages outdoor activity. Unfortunately, human beings are not the only species that love warmer weather. The summer is a more active time for almost every living thing, and it is one of the most active seasons for pest control … Continue reading 3 Reasons To Expect Pests This Summer In Toronto

Toronto Pest Control: Are Mice Attracted To Houseplants?

If you have an infestation of mice, they may cause a lot of destruction in and around your home. Mice are always looking for food and possible shelter, and in the process of trying to find them, they may damage houseplants. This is not the most likely scenario, but if you see damage to your … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Are Mice Attracted To Houseplants?

Toronto Pest Control: Preventing Carpenter Ants From Getting to the Roof

A pest problem in your home or office is always a frustrating thing to deal with. This stress is only compounded when the critters take residence in a hard-to-reach location, such as a crawlspace, attic, or roof. Carpenter ants tend to be a little over half an inch long, with three body segments, and are … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Preventing Carpenter Ants From Getting to the Roof

Toronto Pest Removal: Where Do House Spiders Live?

A spider scurrying across the floor of your bathroom late at night probably isn’t your favourite sight. Learn more about the different types of house spiders you may encounter, where they live in your home, and when to call professional pest control in Toronto. What Are Types of House Spiders in Canada? Regardless of your … Continue reading Toronto Pest Removal: Where Do House Spiders Live?

Toronto Pest Control: Differences Between Wasps and Bees

If you have difficulty telling the difference between bees and wasps, you’re in good company. Even entomologists, who are scientists who specifically study insects, sometimes struggle. Nevertheless, knowing what type of insect you are dealing with is important for pest control in Toronto. Different techniques are used to remove different types of insects. Also, many … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Differences Between Wasps and Bees

Toronto Pest Control: What are Winged Carpenter Ants?

  The appearance of winged carpenter ants in your home can be very alarming. Like other carpenter ants, they are large compared to other ant species, and winged carpenter ants can be even larger than workers. A few winged carpenter ants in your home may not be cause for concern; they may be merely lost … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: What are Winged Carpenter Ants?

Toronto Pest Control: What is a Joro Spider?

If you’re in or near the southeast region of the United States, you might find yourself face-to-face with a giant, web-spinning, brightly coloured Joro spider this spring or summer. If you’re racing to prepare the hazmat suit, rest assured that this massive spider doesn’t have its sights set on human targets. However, humans have been … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: What is a Joro Spider?

Toronto Pest Removal: The Dangers of Mouse Droppings

It is easy to underestimate the dangers of a mouse infestation because the animals seem so small and timid. It’s not aggressive behaviour that makes mice dangerous but the things they do in your home, such as chewing on electrical wires and leaving behind droppings. You often see the droppings before you see the actual … Continue reading Toronto Pest Removal: The Dangers of Mouse Droppings