How To Prevent Spring Pests From Invading Your Home

It is hard not to feel excited and reinvigorated when spring comes. The weather gets warmer, the plants become green again, and animals come out of hibernation. Unfortunately, not every animal that emerges in the spring is welcome. Many insect pests are coming out of winter dormancy and looking to build new homes for themselves … Continue reading How To Prevent Spring Pests From Invading Your Home

3 Reasons You May Hear Mice Squeak In Your Toronto Home

Mice can be very problematic if they take up residence in a house. Mice chew on almost anything, including books, furniture, walls, and food packaging. They may also chew on electrical wires, which can put your home at risk of a fire. Mice removal services are the safest and most effective way to get rid … Continue reading 3 Reasons You May Hear Mice Squeak In Your Toronto Home

Toronto Pest Control: Why Do Mice Nest in a Fireplace?

  Nothing spoils an otherwise cozy evening at home like finding a mouse in the fireplace. Upon finding that your home has been invaded by small, furry rodents, your hopes for relaxation are shot and all you can think about is calling pest control in Toronto to take care of the problem for you as … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Why Do Mice Nest in a Fireplace?

Toronto Pest Control: Where do Carpenter Ants Build Nests?

Carpenter ants are a common pest issue for homeowners in the Toronto area. Now that the weather is starting to get warmer, homeowners in the region may start to see more insects in and around their homes. Carpenter ants often like to nest on properties that have wet wood, which could be piled up in … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Where do Carpenter Ants Build Nests?

Toronto Pest Control: How to Get Rid of Persistent Rodents?

If you find evidence of rats or mice living in your home, you probably don’t need to be persuaded of the need for rodent pest control. Instead, your dilemma may be whether to call professional pest control in Toronto or attempt to handle the problem yourself. Unfortunately, the very qualities that make rodents such a … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: How to Get Rid of Persistent Rodents?

Keeping the Office Free of Pest Problems in Toronto

Pests can do hundreds of dollars in damages in just a few weeks when they move into commercial buildings. Birds can damage signage and light fixtures. Termites can destroy wood. Bees and wasps can bite visitors. Cockroaches in your business can damage your reputation. It doesn’t take much for pests to damage your business. Professional … Continue reading Keeping the Office Free of Pest Problems in Toronto

Why is Residential Pest Control so Important in Toronto?

When you live in a large urban area, pest control isn’t just about you. Pest control in Toronto is about keeping you and your neighbours happy, healthy, and free of insidious infestations. Because most insects and rodents can breed quickly, you should address infestations as soon as you detect them. Living in a Big City … Continue reading Why is Residential Pest Control so Important in Toronto?

Toronto Pest Control: Why Spiders in the Home are a Problem

Spiders are one of several species that pest control in Toronto can deal with. However, if there are spiders in the home, they aren’t necessarily your biggest problem. Spiders are carnivorous and feed on insect pests and smaller arachnids, which can be much more detrimental. Fortunately, Truly Nolen can handle the spider removal as well … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: Why Spiders in the Home are a Problem

Toronto Pest Control: How to Get Rid of Mice in Walls

Mice are destructive and troublesome pests despite their small size, and if you see signs of them in the spring, you need pest control in Toronto for rodent removal. The mice probably aren’t moving into your home in the spring. It is more likely that they already moved in during the fall and winter as … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: How to Get Rid of Mice in Walls