Toronto Pest Control: 5 Reasons Bees Are Attracted To You

An estimated 80% of crops rely on bees for pollination, making them ecologically and agriculturally important. Bee pest control in Toronto should therefore be approached with caution, relocating the bees if possible and only killing them if necessary. If bees seem to get close to you often, it may be that you are attracting them … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: 5 Reasons Bees Are Attracted To You

Toronto Mice Removal: How To Make Your Home Unattractive to Rodents

Mice can destroy furniture, chew through interior structures, carry diseases and irritate pets, making infestation a serious matter. While mice removal in Toronto is great for getting rid of rodents, it’s better to keep them from entering your residence in the first place. Fortunately, these preemptive strategies can safeguard your home. Identify Potential Entry Points … Continue reading Toronto Mice Removal: How To Make Your Home Unattractive to Rodents

3 Types of Ants to Watch Out for in Toronto

Ants are among the most common residential pests. They are invasive and can be quite destructive, depending on the species. For example, carpenter ants chew through wood to build colonies. While they typically focus on damp wood because it is easier to chew, the ants can chew into structural beams and other essential framing boards, … Continue reading 3 Types of Ants to Watch Out for in Toronto

4 Dangers of Having Wasps Around Your Toronto Home

Many people dislike insects such as bees and wasps but are unaware of the specific hazards that they can pose to humans. While many insect stings take place outdoors, an insect infestation in the home can be especially dangerous for a number of reasons and often necessitates a call to wasp control in Toronto. Consider … Continue reading 4 Dangers of Having Wasps Around Your Toronto Home

Toronto Pest Control: 4 Interesting Facts About Daddy Long Legs

Long-legged, crawly creatures give some people the creeps. If you are among this group, Truly Nolen can help with professional spider control in Toronto. The critters that bother you may include daddy long legs, also known as harvestmen, which are fascinating, frequently misunderstood creatures. 1. Daddy Long Legs Are Harmless to Humans A persistent myth … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: 4 Interesting Facts About Daddy Long Legs

Toronto Pest Control: 4 Ways To Keep Your Patio Pest-Free

Your patio is the perfect place to host a party or relax after a long day, but did you know it can also attract pests? Fortunately, you can do a few things to minimize the risk of infestation. Follow these four tips to help avoid contacting professional residential pest control in Toronto. 1. Choose Plants … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: 4 Ways To Keep Your Patio Pest-Free

4 Ways To Deter Carpenter Ants From Your Toronto Property

The best way to deter carpenter ants from your property is by contracting carpenter ant pest control in Toronto. A professional service will identify how and where the ants are entering your home and determine the best method for removal and elimination. 4 Tips To Prevent Carpenter Ant Infestations Carpenter ants are among the largest … Continue reading 4 Ways To Deter Carpenter Ants From Your Toronto Property

Toronto Pest Control: 4 Fun Facts About Spiders

Professionals in spider control in Toronto come across many homeowners who are downright terrified of spiders. The eight-legged fuzzy creatures may not pose a significant threat to human life, but they look creepy. Still, despite invoking fear with a gaze, spiders are fascinating creatures with many unique and curious attributes. 4 Fascinating Facts About Spiders … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: 4 Fun Facts About Spiders