Oakville Pest Control: The Difference Between Carpenter Ant and Termite Damage

Carpenter ants and termites are both pests that can cause significant damage to the structure of your home. While many pest control companies treat both types of insects, it’s important to know which one you are dealing with for effective treatment. While they both burrow deep into wood and dig elaborate tunnels throughout the structure … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: The Difference Between Carpenter Ant and Termite Damage

4 Things Pest Control Professionals in Oakville Wish You Knew About Pests

Residential pest removal can be challenging to face on your own. Fortunately, you don’t have to handle it alone; professional pest control services in Oakville are your partners in removing pests from your home and keeping your family safe. Here are some things you should know about pests before calling the professionals to help make … Continue reading 4 Things Pest Control Professionals in Oakville Wish You Knew About Pests

Oakville Pest Control: How to Prevent a Spider Infestation in Your Car

How do you feel about spiders? Many people have a fear of spiders, but even if you don’t, you might still get creeped out by a spider scrambling across your dash while you’re driving. Spiders can live and possibly thrive inside your vehicle, where they can nest and lay eggs — scared yet? While you … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: How to Prevent a Spider Infestation in Your Car

4 Ways You May Be Attracting Spiders To Your Oakville Home’s Exterior

Spiders are fascinating creatures that survive in amazing ways when compared to insects. While some spiders may resemble six-legged bugs, these eight-legged creatures are arachnids and belong to a family that includes thousands of different species. However, when you start to notice more spiders than usual around the exterior of your Oakville home, this could … Continue reading 4 Ways You May Be Attracting Spiders To Your Oakville Home’s Exterior

Oakville Pest Control: What is the White-Footed Mouse?

If you don’t want to have mice in your home, it’s a good idea to know about different species so that you can make your house a less hospitable environment to prevent pests from entering in the first place. You may already know a good deal about common field mice, but you may have never … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: What is the White-Footed Mouse?

Oakville Pest Control: Do Dogs Help Keep Mice Away?

Sometimes we hear from customers that they do not need a professional mice removal service because they have a dog that chases and eats mice. While this may seem logical and cost-effective, there is more cause for concern than it seems at first. Dogs may help keep mice away temporarily, but not permanently. Dogs can … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: Do Dogs Help Keep Mice Away?

Oakville Pest Control: Why Are There Mice In Your Toilet?

Imagine for a moment that you are walking into your bathroom. You turn on the light and lift the toilet lid. To your surprise, a mouse leaps from the bowl and onto the floor, scurrying across the tile and out into the hallway. While you should immediately dial a service specializing in pest control in … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: Why Are There Mice In Your Toilet?

Oakville Pest Control: Can Carpenter Ants Harm Your Tree?

Having destructive ants around can be frustrating and anxiety-inducing. Carpenter ants have been known to render even the soundest wood materials flimsy and unstable. Though you may worry for your home, you may also wonder whether your trees or other wood structures might be at risk of an ant infestation. So, should you call carpenter … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: Can Carpenter Ants Harm Your Tree?

Oakville Pest Control: What Does A Carpenter Ant Nest Look Like?

Warmer temperatures in Oakville over the last few months have been more than ideal for enjoying the outdoors. However, warmer weather also means that carpenter ants have had time to be more active. The more hospitable environment gives them time to stock up and prepare for the winter months. Carpenter ants prepare for the colder … Continue reading Oakville Pest Control: What Does A Carpenter Ant Nest Look Like?