
Truly Nolen’s Response to

Home Scorecard

Your risk level is:

Get a custom Home Scorecard that details your home's unique risk factors. Answer a few questions below and we will tell you if you are at low, moderate or a high level risk for pest invasions. Your personal score card will give you an overview of what effects your risk and tips on how to minimize pest activity inside your home.

Pest Control

1. Can you see light coming through around the perimeter of your doors from the outside to the inside of your house?
2. When is the last time you caulked and sealed around your doors?
3. What types of insects have you seen inside your home in the past month?
(Check all that apply)
4. When was your home built?
5. What is the structure of the home?
6. Do you have any trees that are within 3 feet of the home or have branches hanging over the home?
7. Do you have any flower/plant beds around/along the perimeter of your home?
8. Do you have any dripping faucets outside your home?
9. If you have cats and/or dogs, how long do you leave the food bowl out?
10. Do you live in a...
11. Do you have horses or other livestock on the property?
12. How often do you vacuum all your floors?
13. Is you garbage...

Rodent Control

1. Have you seen any live rodents in your house in the past month?
2. Have you heard any rodents or scurrying in your house recently?
3. Have you smelt anything foul or unusual?
4. Do you have any openings to your house (vents, etc)?
5. When is the last time you fully caulked, screened and sealed your entire house?
6. Have you had any unexplained electrical issues?
7. Has your heating/cooling bills been higher than normal?
8. Do you have any trees that are within 3 feet of the home or have branches hanging over the home?
9. Do you have any other structures (detached garage, shed, storage area, etc.) near your home?

Termite Control

1. When it rains, does any water pool/pond against your house?
2. Has your neighbor had any recent termite activity?
3. Have you built any recent additions?
4. When was your home built?
5. What is the structure of the home?
6. Do you have any trees that are within 3 feet of the home or have branches hanging over the home?
7. Do you have any flower/plant beds around/along the perimeter of your home?
8. Do you have any dripping faucets outside your home?
9. Have you had any recent storm damage?
10. Have you seen any cracks in your foundation?
11. Has your home been treated for termites before?
12. When was your last formal termite inspection?

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