Truly Nolen trains our service technicians to THINK LIKE A BUG so that we can stop pest problems in their tracks and take steps to prevent them. Here are some things you can do to THINK LIKE A BUG and take the first steps.
Make sure you do not have any leaking faucets around your home. Also, check your irrigation system to ensure you are not over watering and proving a reliable water source for unwanted insects, including crickets, flies and mosquitos!
Make sure all food is put away in your refrigerator and pantry. Use air-tight seals to prevent spoiling by grain weevils and attracting other unwanted pests like cockroaches and rodents.
Do an annual inspection before it gets cold and lures rodents and other insects into your house. Make sure all vents are property sealed with the appropriate wire as well as sealed around the sides. Keep your attic clean and an eye out for fresh rodent droppings so you can stop and catch them before they expand their family
Your pets’ water and food bowls can be an open invitation for other insects, especially ants. Feed indoors if you can and don’t leave food out all day. Wash the bowl after each use. This will make your furry friend happy and turn off the “OPEN 24 HOURS” sign for pesky bugs.
Mature vegetation close to the house provides housing for some insects as well as a bridge from the outside into your home. These greens are food for bugs too. Trim back vegetation so that you can walk between it and your home. Clean up any old leaves too. This will make your house look sharp and tidy but uninviting to rodents and insects.
Keep your trash contained to decrease the smell and attraction. Even if you only have a small amount to dispose, put your trash and recycling bins out for every pickup. Keep the area where you store your trash bins clean so you can monitor any new activity. Wash out your bins periodically with a bleach mix to kill bacteria and provide a smell unattractive to insects and rodents. Remember, one man’s trash is another insect’s treasure.