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Bed Bug Facts

  • Usually 4-5 mm in length and reddish-brown in color.
  • Often brought into homes on visitors' clothing or luggage.

Bed Bug Photos

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a common pest found throughout the world. They are small parasitic bugs that feed off of human blood and prefer to live inside of homes and hotels. An adult bed bug has a reddish-brown, oval body that is 4-5 mm long. The bug changes to a bright red color right after feeding on the blood of its human host.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are parasites that are commonly found in sleeping areas of homes and hotels. They feed off of humans at night and during the day they live near the sleeping locations of their hosts. Beg bugs were virtually eliminated before 1995, but have since reemerged with the increase in world travel.

An adult bed bug has a flat round body about the size of an apple seed. It ranges in color from brown to red, depending on when it last fed. Right after feeding, the bug is a bright red color which gradually fades to brown as it digests the human blood. Bed bugs are born lighter in color and turn brown as they mature.

Bed Bug Facts

Bed bugs are small, oval, brownish parasitic insects that feed solely on the blood of animals or humans while they sleep. Adult bed bugs have flat bodies, six legs, and are about the size of an apple seed (1/4 – 1/2 inches). After feeding, however, their bodies swell dramatically and are a reddish color. Bed bugs can be quite resilient. Although they typically feed on blood every five to ten days, they are capable of surviving several months without feeding.

Bed bugs do not have nests like ants or bees, but tend to congregate together. Under favorable conditions, immature bed bugs can fully develop in as little as one month and produce three or more generations per year. They do not jump or fly but are good runners and will travel up to 15 feet for a blood meal. They are most active at night and can easily move between adjacent rooms or units via wall voids and utility chases.

Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs are often brought into homes on visitors’ clothing or luggage. Due to the fact that bed bugs are nocturnal, it can sometimes be difficult to identify an infestation and they can go unnoticed for some time. The best way to determine if you have bed bugs is through finding and identifying a live bug. Other signs of an infestation include small bites on the body that seem to appear overnight, small dark spots on bedding from bed bug feces, or remains of dead bed bugs and shed skins. If you believe that you have an infestation, begin looking around beds and furniture for the nesting location of the bug infestation.

Signs of Infestation

Knowing what to look for is the first step in identifying and controlling bed bugs. They are experts at hiding. Their slim, flattened bodies make it possible for them to fit into tiny spaces, about the width of a credit card. Bed bugs are typically found hiding in mattress seams, pillow top tufts and around buttons. Without treatment, the population can rapidly grow and move into cracks and crevices near the bed, like those found in the headboard and side tables.

One of the easiest ways to identify a bed bug infestation is by the telltale red, itchy bite marks on the face, neck, arms, hands, or any other body part while sleeping. However these bite marks may take as long as 14 days to develop in some people so it is important to look for other clues when determining if bed bugs have infested an area.

Other signs include:

After a thorough inspection, we will provide you a customized and individualized assessment and treatment plan. We can help you get rid of bed bugs regardless of your home’s construction type, material, or age.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Getting rid of a bed bug infestation can be a difficult process depending on the size of the problem. It is almost always necessary to seek the help of a local exterminator in order to ensure that the infestation is under control and eliminated. Your pest control expert will be able to instruct you on the best way to clean bedding, furniture and mattresses. Vacuuming can also help to limit the number of bugs and eggs. Make sure to dispose of the vacuum bag right after use.

Bed Bug Bites & Treatment

Bed bugs bite humans in order to feed on their blood. They are nocturnal and usually only bite while their human hosts are sleeping. Because a bed bug bite is painless, it can be difficult to identify the cause of the bite. Many people experience reactions to a bed bug bite similar to that of a mosquito or flea bite and the most common symptoms include redness, itching and swelling. Bites are not dangerous, unless an allergic reaction to the bite occurs. If at any time you feel that the bite is serious, seek medical help as soon as possible.

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