Springtime Ant Alert: How to Identify and Prevent Carpenter Ants in Your Markham Home

As warmer seasons approach, many homeowners are beginning to open their homes to let the fresh, spring air circulate. However, with this change in weather comes the inevitable flurry of insect activity. Among these nuisances, the common carpenter ant poses a significant risk. Due to their penchant for nesting in damp, decaying wood, they pose … Continue reading Springtime Ant Alert: How to Identify and Prevent Carpenter Ants in Your Markham Home

Different Ants That May Invade Your Markham Home

Canada is home to many species of ants, including pavement and carpenter ants. Despite the variety of ant species that live and thrive in Canada, homeowners should be aware of three species that are more problematic. If you have carpenter ants, fire ants, or pharaoh ants on your property, call insect and carpenter ant pest … Continue reading Different Ants That May Invade Your Markham Home

Markham Pest Removal: Interesting Facts about Queen Ants

You have probably heard of queen bees before, but have you ever heard about queen ants? Bees and ants are fairly closely related, and a queen ant performs essentially the same role in her colony as a queen bee performs in hers. All ants in a colony have specific roles to play, but the queen … Continue reading Markham Pest Removal: Interesting Facts about Queen Ants

Markham Pest Removal: Why Do Carpenter Ants Like Trees?

It’s common to see different types of ants in your yard. Most ants are harmless and can actually be beneficial to your grass and the ecosystem. When you spot large black ants on or around the trees on your property, there may be a problem with carpenter ants. Carpenter ants can be destructive to your … Continue reading Markham Pest Removal: Why Do Carpenter Ants Like Trees?