Truly Nolen Canada

Understanding Spider Behaviour Around Water and Tips to Manage Them

Understanding Spider Behaviour Around Water and Tips to Manage Them

Understanding Spider Behaviour Around Water and Tips to Manage Them

Spiders seem to gravitate towards water sources, and many people tend to have problems around their docks and cottages because these spaces get less use. The best way to manage spider populations around these areas and structures is with spider control services, but is a service always necessary?

Too many people believe they want their decks and cottages spider free, meaning they want to eliminate any sign of the arachnids, but that is a mistake. Spiders play an essential role in the Canadian ecosystem, from insect control to food for wildlife. Eliminating all spiders from your property, or attempting to, opens the door for other insect infestations.

Still, it is peculiar that spiders seem more drawn to properties close to water. Discover the reason for the preference to avoid infestations.

Why Spiders Are Attracted to Water

Like all living things, spiders need water to survive. While they may not need a lot of water, in the arid and hot climate of the summer, they depend on water to keep cool and refreshed.

That said, spiders are drawn to water sources beyond survival needs. Insects also congregate near water sources; some even lay eggs in standing pools. Because spiders eat various invertebrates, they will also build webs and congregate near water sources.

Spider Behaviour Around Water

Depending on the species, spiders behave in many ways around water sources. Some spiders can walk across the water’s surface; others can dive. Despite the various qualities of different species, spiders primarily eat and drink around water sources, like most other wildlife.

Not all spiders are water spiders, but most will still build webs or hunt near water sources. While water species interact with the water regularly, non-water species primarily drink from the source and trap unsuspecting insects.

Some species may lay eggs near water sources to provide for their young when they hatch. A neglected dock or even the underside of an active one can act as a suitable spider nest. The nooks and crannies of the interior and exterior of a cottage can also serve as a haven for spiders and their future young.

Tips for Managing Spider Populations

Spider removal is not always necessary. Having a few spiders around the exterior of your property is beneficial because they help with pest control. Unfortunately, spiders can quickly overpopulate an area, especially when it is in the woods or near a lake or other water source.

To manage spider populations, you want to focus on humane harassment. You do not have to kill spiders to motivate them to move. Sweep webs down wherever you see them and eliminate their food sources. If you control the insect population around your cabin or dock, spiders are less likely to build webs or stay in the area. Also, seal any potential entry points into your home, such as cracks, crevices, old seals, torn screens, etc. Finally, trim foliage around your cottage and dock and maintain the property. You may also want to invest in a perimeter treatment.

How Residential Pest Control Can Help

If you invest in a perimeter treatment, do not choose a DIY option. Hire a residential pest control service instead. The service can identify the specific species of spiders you want to eliminate or deter, and they can focus on using the correct chemicals or applications that are safe for you and your family.

Are you trying to get your cottage or dock ready for the summer season? Contact Truly Nolen Canada for effective pest control solutions, including spider management. The company will send out a team of qualified technicians to assess your exterior and interior spaces and present you with possible treatment options. Select the services you want and prepare for a pest-free summer.

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