Common Places You May Find a Wasp Nest On Your Commercial Property in Niagara

Wasps can represent a significant buzzkill for your business. Because several species are aggressive, a nest near entrances or other locations on your property is a risk for clients and team members. Nests typically appear underneath awnings, somewhere hidden from predators that offer protection from the weather. Wasp and bee pest control in Niagara can … Continue reading Common Places You May Find a Wasp Nest On Your Commercial Property in Niagara

4 Dangers of Having Wasps Around Your Toronto Home

Many people dislike insects such as bees and wasps but are unaware of the specific hazards that they can pose to humans. While many insect stings take place outdoors, an insect infestation in the home can be especially dangerous for a number of reasons and often necessitates a call to wasp control in Toronto. Consider … Continue reading 4 Dangers of Having Wasps Around Your Toronto Home

Hamilton Pest Control: Where Do Wasps Build Their Nests?

Wasps usually construct their nests above ground in higher locations, like around rooflines or in tree canopies. The nests have a grayish-brown colour and resemble paper lanterns. While it is okay to inspect your property for wasp nests, you should always stay close because wasps are defensive and aggressive creatures. It is best to contact … Continue reading Hamilton Pest Control: Where Do Wasps Build Their Nests?

Toronto Pest Control: The Difference Between Bees and Wasps

Bees and wasps look similar but behave very differently. Knowing the differences can keep you from a painful experience and help you communicate with exterminators. According to experts in bee pest control in Toronto, the major differences between bees and wasps are their colour, size, stingers and nests. Colour Wasps and bees have similar colouring, … Continue reading Toronto Pest Control: The Difference Between Bees and Wasps

How to Prevent Wasps From Nesting on Your Haldimand-Norfolk Property

Preventing wasps in the spring and summer is crucial to maintaining a wasp-free property all year. While you can use some DIY prevention strategies to help with population control, it is best to hire wasp pest control in Haldimand-Norfolk for a more effective treatment, removal, and prevention method. Professionals ensure fewer risks to you and … Continue reading How to Prevent Wasps From Nesting on Your Haldimand-Norfolk Property

3 Reasons You Are Seeing Yellow Jackets in Your Kitchener Backyard

A predatory wasp, yellow jackets are capable and durable insects, often surviving and remaining active in temperatures that do not suit other insects. According to wasp pest control services in Kitchener, yellow jackets can help pollinate and often curb other pest populations but can get aggressive. Therefore, they are not what most homeowners consider backyard … Continue reading 3 Reasons You Are Seeing Yellow Jackets in Your Kitchener Backyard

Waterloo Pest Control: Which is Worse a Wasp or Hornet?

When winged stinging insects decide to share your Waterloo property with you, it can be difficult to identify one species from another, as wasps, hornets and yellowjackets all share characteristics and it can be difficult to get close without risking a sting. At Truly Nolen, we can provide you with pest control services in Waterloo, … Continue reading Waterloo Pest Control: Which is Worse a Wasp or Hornet?

York Pest Control: Why Wasps Are Aggressive During the Fall

Wasps are active throughout the summer and can make nuisances of themselves in parks and playgrounds, and possibly in your yard or home. You cannot do anything about wasps in public places, but wasp removal in your home can help protect you and your family. It is a good idea to take this step as … Continue reading York Pest Control: Why Wasps Are Aggressive During the Fall

Toronto Wasp Removal: Why Yellow Jackets Like Trash

  The yellow jacket is one of the most common species of social wasps in Canada. Social wasps are those that live in large nests or colonies. Because these wasps are more aggressive, people often need to call pest removal in Toronto to deal with them on their property. One thing that may be drawing … Continue reading Toronto Wasp Removal: Why Yellow Jackets Like Trash