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What Noises Do Cockroaches Make?

What Noises Do Cockroaches Make

Cockroaches are arguably one of the most disturbing pests to find inside your home. These scurrying little creatures can be difficult to spot and even harder to catch. Common species that you may find in your home include German, Oriental, brown-banded and American roaches. Scientists estimate that cockroaches have been around for more than 200 million years, so it is no surprise that it can be tricky to kick them out of your home. If you are concerned you may be experiencing the beginning of an infestation, consider a few of the common signs roaches leave behind, as well as what you can do in terms of cockroach control.


Many insects can be identified based on the sounds they make. Is this also true of cockroaches? It is possible that you may hear small noises from any type of roach that moves about your home, as any running creature cannot be completely silent. These sounds will likely be the most noticeable at night and in the primary areas roaches are living, which could be inside of cabinets, walls or behind furniture or appliances. 

Other than the pitter-patter made by their feet, the average cockroach you find in your home will not make much additional noise. That being said, some less common species are known to make hissing or light chirping sounds. Hissing is strongly associated with male Madagascar hissing cockroaches who use this sound to intimidate smaller males. Chirping, also known as stridulation, can serve a similar purpose, though it is often also a sign of males courting females.

Be careful to distinguish between the sounds made by roaches versus other insects. For example, the chirping sound made by roaches is quite unlike that made by crickets or beetles. Additionally, even though a small proportion of roaches are skilled at flying, humans cannot hear the sound of their wings. Thus, if you hear a buzzing noise, it is likely some other kind of flying critter, such as a bee or wasp.

Physical Evidence

In addition to noise, you may notice physical signs of the materials cockroaches leave behind. Perhaps the most obvious is actually seeing the insects themselves scurrying away when you enter a room. Droppings are another substantial form of evidence, though these indicators can vary in appearance based on the type of roach. You may also find what are known as oothecae. These vessels hold as many as 50 roach eggs and are often visible once the eggs have hatched. Finally, cockroaches often leave behind a noticeable smell that is somewhat musty.

Risks and Responses

Besides being unwelcome house guests, roaches have the potential to cause health concerns for humans. For one, they are capable of spreading diseases as they travel from place to place eating all sorts of bacteria-laden materials. In addition, the products and waste they leave behind can stimulate some peoples’ allergies and even worsen asthma. 

One of the first steps you must take to address a roach problem is to find out where their main living space is. By looking for the evidence they leave behind, you may be able to determine where they stay and even how serious the infestation is. 

A trained professional can help offer solutions depending on how bad your situation may be. Additionally, they may also suggest how to seal any cracks around your doors, windows or other areas that may permit access to more pests in the future. 

Leave It to Us

If you find that your cockroach infestation has become unmanageable, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of professionals. We take cockroach control seriously by getting rid of the pests while keeping your environment safe for your entire family. Contact us today to get your cockroach situation under control.

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