Truly Nolen Canada

Common Places You May Find a Wasp Nest On Your Commercial Property in Niagara

Common Places You May Find a Wasp Nest On Your Commercial Property in Niagara

Common Places You May Find a Wasp Nest On Your Commercial Property in Niagara

Wasps can represent a significant buzzkill for your business. Because several species are aggressive, a nest near entrances or other locations on your property is a risk for clients and team members. Nests typically appear underneath awnings, somewhere hidden from predators that offer protection from the weather. Wasp and bee pest control in Niagara can help you search and identify wasps and nest sites. They can also help you rid your property of potential nuisance.

Identifying Wasp Species

Wasps refer to a species of insect, but there are various types of insects in the category. If you can identify the type of wasp on your property, it will help you determine the best way to treat the infestation.

The most common types of wasps in Canada include paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets. Each type has unique appearances, nests, and behaviours.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are reddish-brown or orange, often with bright stripes. They build their nests in exposed areas that still offer some protection. For instance, you might find a nest in the corner of a window, under an awning or patio, in crawl spaces, or around sheds.

The nests are usually smaller and attached using a single stalk. They can look round with upside-down honeycomb structures.

Paper wasps colonies are more minor, typically no more than 100 wasps. While the insects are beneficial to gardeners and pest control specialists, they will sting if they feel threatened.

Spring and summer are when the wasps are trying to grow and build their nests so that they will look for protein, such as spiders and caterpillars. In late summer and early fall, their tastes switch to sugary substances like fruit and juices.

To prevent paper wasps, keep common nesting sites clean and clear. If you notice the insects sticking close to a specific area, call a commercial pest control service to treat your building. In the fall, keep the exterior of your property clean and use tightly sealed garbage containers, preventing easy access to potential food sources.


Hornets are larger than other wasp species, including yellow jackets. The insects are usually brownish-red or black-and-white in colour. They create their nests using wood pulp and saliva. A baseball-sized nest might appear under roof eaves, within bushes and trees, in wall voids or attic spaces, or even behind shutters.

Hornets are among the most aggressive wasp species. Because the insects are larger with a substantial stinger, the attack is more painful than other wasps. Like other wasps, they can sting multiple times and might attack in swarms, resulting in hundreds of stings.

Regular property maintenance is the best way to prevent hornet nests on your property. Maintenance can ensure there are no openings around the property for hornets to access attics or wall cavities. Also, routine maintenance can catch nests in bushes or trees in the early stages. Always call a professional if you find or suspect a hornet infestation or problem.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are hairless with elongated wings and a thin waist, and they are distinctive because of their bold yellow and black stripes. The insects are a type of ground wasps and tend to nest in abandoned rodent burrows.

The wasps are more likely to nest in areas with a plentiful food supply of spiders, caterpillars, and flies. While that sounds wonderful for pest control, the insects can be aggressive like hornets, which is not good for business. Prevention for yellow jackets is insect population control and keeping garbage containers sealed.

Do you have or believe you have a wasp problem? Contact our Truly Nolen Canada Niagara team to discuss wasp removal and treatments.

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